Sunday 9 December 2007

News Item...The Mummy Lives.

Percy Droppings here. Exciting news for those interested in Egyptology! Local egyptologist, Mr Woodus Woodings- Poopdeck, who presently works for Shefferham Museum, had the pleasure of viewing a new exhibit all the way from The Valley Of The Kings.

It is the embalmed body of the official flame keeper to Ramses II. According to the ancient hieroglyphs, he died some 3,000 years ago and was known by the name of Dimi-Switchii. However, whilst the Valley of the Kings is indeed the birthplace of mummification, something strange and very unconventional took place concerning our new visitor.

During the early hours of Saturday morning, museum guards were alerted to a sound coming from the sarcophagus. Upon inspecting the room containing it, they were shocked to discover Dimi-Switchii himself, reading a copy of

Do-Do Man, The Limited Edition. To prove their find, the above photograph was taken. Upon reading the final page, the mummy slowly returned to his place of rest. The embalmers might have removed his inner organs, but his desire for a good read remained.

The hieroglyphs containing the final words of Dimi-Switchii, flame keeper, are as follows; " Would the last one to leave the tomb blow out the candle!"

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