Monday 10 December 2007

Hot News...

Hot news just in. Winnie Droppings, wife of Mr Percy Droppings, leader of The Do-Doist party, was last seen been carried away by two large killer budgies! Her last cry to be heard was, " Don't forget to feed the ferret, Percy!"

It was later discovered that local government in Shefferham have been involved in genetic modification of certain species, this resulting in the creation of Mutant Killer Budgies! Due to the alteration of their natural genetic processes, they could be used by the government on clandestine missions.

Both The Do-Doist Party and Shefferham City Council have urged people not to go near the birds if sighted. Equally, not to offer budgie seed or cry out, "Who's a pretty Polly?"
The above picture was taken just before they ate their cage!

Sunday 9 December 2007

Issue #1 Page 6...

Issue #1 Page 5...

Issue #1 Page 4...

News Item, 1st French Do-Doist...

Percy Droppings here. We're pleased to learn that Louis Philippe
from Paris has just recently purchased their first copy of
Do-Do Man. Seen here with a celebratory drink, was thrilled to
share the news, but didn't think that the balaclava
would ever replace the berret.

Issue #1 Page 3...

Issue #1 Page 2...

Issue #1 Page 1...

Do-Do Man #1

Hope that you've enjoyed the Limited Edition, first published back in 1995.

Okay, time to hold on tight, Proud Do-Doists, it's time to take on
Do-Do Man issue 1. So then, loosen the straps of your straitjacket, and don't inhibit movement, you'll need to move the wheel on your mouse!

Page 23...

Page 22...

News Item...The Mummy Lives.

Percy Droppings here. Exciting news for those interested in Egyptology! Local egyptologist, Mr Woodus Woodings- Poopdeck, who presently works for Shefferham Museum, had the pleasure of viewing a new exhibit all the way from The Valley Of The Kings.

It is the embalmed body of the official flame keeper to Ramses II. According to the ancient hieroglyphs, he died some 3,000 years ago and was known by the name of Dimi-Switchii. However, whilst the Valley of the Kings is indeed the birthplace of mummification, something strange and very unconventional took place concerning our new visitor.

During the early hours of Saturday morning, museum guards were alerted to a sound coming from the sarcophagus. Upon inspecting the room containing it, they were shocked to discover Dimi-Switchii himself, reading a copy of

Do-Do Man, The Limited Edition. To prove their find, the above photograph was taken. Upon reading the final page, the mummy slowly returned to his place of rest. The embalmers might have removed his inner organs, but his desire for a good read remained.

The hieroglyphs containing the final words of Dimi-Switchii, flame keeper, are as follows; " Would the last one to leave the tomb blow out the candle!"

Page 21...

Page 20...

News item...Sister Boris Helps Out.

Percy Droppings here. Following on from our recent item concerning Mr Albert Pickerdyke of Shefferham, and his untimely death caused by anal explosion, the news reached the ears, not to mention the loud bang, of the Sisters Of The Immaculate Penguin. Moved by the mention of the charity event that Albert Pickerdyke was involved with, they not only gave the proceeds from their 'Grow Your Own Clown' project, but equally provided a house-trained gorilla who is presently in its second year doing a woodwork course at Shefferham College.

Such is their wonderful giving nature, Sister Boris also gave all of her own savings that was originally going towards a major facial hair removal operation.

The Do-Doist Party have sent on a number of free copies of the Do-Do Man Limited Edition, with our sincere thanks.

Pictured above is Sister Boris, seen here with a partly grown clown, ( they normally grow to 6ft 7ins.) and the mentioned gorilla. The Sisters Of The Immaculate Penguin Charity Centre is open Mon - Fri, 10.00am until 5.00pm.

Saturday 8 December 2007

Page 19...

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Page 17...

News Item...

Percy Droppings here. Following an all night vindaloo competition, in which all proceeds went to a local charity, an incident occurred when 83 year old, Albert Pickerdyke, had to use the gentleman's rest room. It was during this time that a loud explosion was heard and the building had to be quickly evacuated. Within minutes, a professional company arrived on the scene in order to deal with the powerful toxic fumes. It was later reported that the only thing recovered was Mr Pickerdyke's flatcap. He will be remembered as a long standing member of the Do-Doist Party. He is survived by his 22 year old wife, Candy, an exotic dancer, and his five ferrets and ten pigeons.

News just in...Mr Pickerdyke's body has been found on a church roof in Rotherham, some 50 miles away. The local charity received a full 42 shillings and sixpence.

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News Item...

After finding himself stranded on a remotish island in 2001, 28 year old ( so he claims ) Mr Kosmo Kuzfriet, had almost given up any hope in ever seeing his family of 13 children again. However, having sent out countless bottles to sea, each containing a message with a cry of help, he finally received a reply in the form of a copy of the Do-Do man Limited Edition.

The bottle containing his subscription for the following issues has not as of yet arrived. Watch this space!

This was a news item from Mr Percy Droppings, The Do-Doist Party.

Monday 3 December 2007

Do-Do Man Logo for mobile phone comic strips...

Proud Do-Doists...

A Do-Doistic Reminder...

Speaking as ex-residents of St Christopher's Psychiatric Unit, this is just to remind you that you too can get the Limited Edition story adapted to the
Do-Do Man comic strips for mobile phones...NOW!
Oh, yes, and never kiss a chicken on the lips!

Page 3...

Page 2...

Do-Do Man Limited Edition 1995. Page 1...

Mr Percy Droppings...

Do-Doistic Message...

Mr Percy Droppings here! Speaking as the leader of the Do-Doist Party, I am thrilled out of my knickerbockers at the news that one is now able to obtain
Do-Do Man Comic Strips for mobile phones, all thanks to the chaps at
Remember, we don't remove our jackets, they wouldn't have us in public schools, and we'll never stick 'new' in front of the party name.
However, by pouring ice cream down the front of my pants, I can make a mean knickerbocker glory!

Do-Doistic Diet...

Welcome To Shefferham...

Based in the fictitious city of Shefferham, the comic books involve a host of colourful characters, all of whom eventually find a room waiting for them at St. Christopher's Psychiatric Unit.
The creators still believe that Do-Do Man is a unique property that is not directed by vogue or fashion, but is original in its concept.
So, let's start at the beginning, and become a proud Disciple Of Do-Doism. IF NOT, THERE'S NO GOLDEN STRAITJACKET AWARD.
Just in case you're not too sure as to what's going on, this means viewing artwork from the original Limited Edition, on to issues 1 to 4, followed by the yet to be seen, issue 5. Neat, eh?

Do-Doism Has Arrived...

Over The Edge...

Do-Do Man Born...

Following the loss of his job and rejection by his bank manager, our protagonist returns home to continue his research into a cure for insanity. However, having inadvertently drunk Chemical X instead of his usual cup of tea, Do-Do Man emerges, a wonderfully wild and playful psychotic who, with the aid of his catatonic car, embarks on his first insane adventure persecuting his bank manager.
" When the Do-Do Man Limited Edition 1995, had broken even, it was decided to take the story further and really dig deeply into his world," explains Kazybrid. "We kept print runs for subsequent editions to 2,000 copies and sought to monitor closely the type of readership they attracted. While they would appeal to established comic book readers, they were also received by first-time buyers who felt that they were able to identify with the frustrations endured by the main character. The fact that each issue was a good jumping on point helps towards the entertainment and fun."

Do-Do Man The Limited Edition 1995


Sheffield, South Yorkshire, is the forth largest city in the UK, once renowned for its steel industry. In recent years, however, new talents have sprung from the heart of the city, notably in the form of international music and sports celebrities, not forgetting movies of great acclaim such as 'The Full Monty'. Now Steel City has spawned a bright and imaginative son in the shape of the comic book creation, Do-Do Man.

" We created Do-Do Man to give a face to Joe Public and John Doe," say creators, Mychailo Kazybrid and Sarah Sier. " We all have to put up with everyday problems, including close encounters with financial institutions, and we wondered what would happen if someone came along and, in a manic way, declared war on Big Brother. The result was the anarchic character we called, Do-Do Man."